Hi! I'm Talha (طلحہ). I'm a PhD student in Computer Science and Fulbright Scholar at Purdue. My current research focus is on Learning Generative Models and Implicit Neural Representations for Robot Motion Planning tasks.

Previously, I was a ML Software Engineer at Pointivo where I developed and deployed ML pipelines to derive insights for 3D asset inspection. Before that, I studied Mechatronics & Control Engineering at UET Lahore, and Signal Processing and Machine Learning at LUMS.

Research Interests

Machine Learning, Motion Planning, Scene Understanding

Selected Publications

Differentiable Composite Neural Signed Distance Fields for Robot Navigation in Dynamic Indoor Environments
ST Bukhari, Daniel Lawson, and Ahmed H. Qureshi. (under review). 2024
E1D3 U-Net for Brain Tumor Segmentation
ST Bukhari and H Mohy-ud-Din. International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop (BrainLes2021). 2021
A Systematic Evaluation of Learning Rate Policies in Training CNNs for Brain Tumor Segmentation
ST Bukhari and H Mohy-ud-Din. Physics in Medicine & Biology (IF:3.61). 2021